Design and communication firm focused in branding and packaging dedicated to create strategic brands with deep messages and strong identities for companies and projects that wish to offer value to their audiences and impact society. Always looking for beautiful, understandable, and memorable results.
Simón Londoño, an art director and graphic designer born in Medellín, Colombia, and founder of the design studio Simón Londoño Studio in 2018. He studied Visual Communication Design at the Javeriana University of Cali, the city where he currently lives and works.
He is the winner of several awards, including: the International Platinum Prize for Design and Architecture 2023 for the best brand design, Clap Platinum 2022 for the best Logo or Graphic Brand design, and the Clap Platinum Prize 2020 for the best illustration for an advertising campaign. He was selected as Young Talent at the Latin American Design Festival 2019 and won the first Illustration Salon of the magazine Bacánika in 2014. His projects have been selected among the best in the sixth and seventh Latin American typography biennial, Tipos Latinos 2014 and 2016, respectively. In addition, he was nominated for the Colombian design awards Lápiz de Acero in 2017 and 2023 in the category of visual identity and was a finalist of the Latin American Design Awards in 2018 and 2022 in the categories of typography and illustration. He has 5 nominations for the Clap Awards in Branding and Packaging and 4 nominations for the Anuaria awards in 2021.
Simón is also a professor at DOMESTIKA, where he teaches his course "Digital Lettering for a Visual Identity", and has been a university teacher at the Javeriana University for 7 years. His work has been published in books such as "Domestika: Young Talent", 2020; "Optimum Type: Custom Typography and Application" by Sandu Publishing, 2020 and "Freestyle, Illustration in Urban Fashion", by Sandu Publishing, 2018.
Featured Clients

Bronze Winner - Latin American Design Awards
Branding - Brand expression in print
Gold Winner - Architecture and Design Awards
Brand and corporate identity design - ADC Community
Platinum Winner - Arqchitecture and Design Awards
Brand identity design built - ADC Community
Platinum Clap Award
Best brand design
Platinum Clap Award
Best trademark design
Platinum Clap Award
Best Advertising Campaign Illustration
Best Youn Talen
Latin American Design Festival
Latin American Design Festival
Bacánika Visual Saloon
1st place Best illustration award
1st place Best illustration award
Students Design Festival
ICESI University
Cali, Col. 2021
Cali, Col. 2021
O.S Talks
Linz, Austria. Julio 2019
Latin American Design Festival (Young Talent)
Lima, Perú. 2019
Lima, Perú. 2019
Designs Meet Up. Yuxi Global
Medellín, Col. 2018.
4th Design Congress
Design & Development University (UDI).
Bucaramanga, Col. 2019.
Bucaramanga, Col. 2019.
ESDITEC Technology Design School
Medellín, Jun 2017
Medellín, Jun 2017
Tipos Latinos 2016
Bogotá, Col. Sept 2016
Tipos Latinos Popayán 2015
Cauca University
Popayán, Col. 2015
Popayán, Col. 2015
Tipos Latinos 2014
National Printer
Bogotá, Col. 2014
Salón Visual
Bacánika, SOFA.
Bog, Col. 2018, 2017, 2015.
Tipos Latinos 2016
(7th Latinamerican Typography Biennale)
Moren than 30 countries
Tipos Latinos 2014
(6th Latinamerican Typography Biennale)
(6th Latinamerican Typography Biennale)
Moren than 30 countries
Typoday 2016
(University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)
Bangalore, India
On The WEB
Javeriana News Review
Mindsparkle Magazine - Project 01
Mindsparkle Magazine - Project 01
Mindsparkle Magazine - Project 02
Design Rush - Packaging Design (Visit their web)
Domestika - Review
Packaging Of The World - San Camilo
Packaging Of The World - Zanara
Packaging Of The World - Charlus
Packaging Of The World - Apex EP
The Design Kids - Interview
Press / Publications
Domestika: Talento Jóven, Book
Domestika Publishing, 2020
Domestika Publishing, 2020
Optimum Type: Custom Typography and Application
Sandu Publishing. 2020
Freestyle, Illustration in Urban Fashion
Sandu Publishing. 2018

Domestika Portfolio Colombia — Young Talent 2020

Optimum Type — Custom Typography Design and Application